2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]
ENG 328 - The Global Eighteenth Century (1)The eighteenth century was an age of empire. Just as sailors, merchants, soldiers, and scientists ventured forth throughout the world in search of information and goods, so, too, did much of the globe make it back to England in some form or another. Whether it was spices from India, silk from China, gold from Africa, plants from America, or sugar from the Caribbean, material goods filtered back into Britain in a major way throughout the eighteenth century, inevitably altering the market, society, and culture. Through our readings, we will explore the intersections between Britain and the faraway places with which British authors and creators had contact - whether such contact was direct or indirect. We will read and process a variety of texts encompassing British authors, colonized authors, authors of color, and the literary traditions within which they wrote, often influenced by global and transnational contexts. The major course project is the production of a unique critical edition of a primary source text, including significant archival work and secondary research. Features archival visits and guest speakers.
This class can function as a research seminar, fulfilling the capstone requirement for the Literature and Society major. Prerequisite: writing-designated course (W), or ENG 201 , ENG 202 , ENG 215 , or ENG 225 Alternate years or every third year. (Humanities) (Intercultural Literacy Intensive)