Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Academic Catalogue 
2021-2022 Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]

Courses of Instruction


Topics Courses  


Theatre and Dance

  • THE 304 - Lighting Design (1)

    Exploration of the role of the lighting designer in the design and production process. Emphasis on employing a lighting inventory to develop mood, achieve focus, and provide visibility for theatrical productions, based on analysis of the script and the visual approach to the play. Project work focuses on the challenges and differences in designing lighting for the proscenium, thrust, and arena stages. Building upon the principles learned in THE 107  and THE 266 , students are expected to have an understanding of basic lighting equipment and drafting. Prerequisites: THE 107   or THE 160 . Alternate years (alternates with THE 303 ).
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 305 - Costume Design (1)

    Exploration of the role of the costume designer in the design and production process. Building upon skills learned in THE 108  and through script and character analysis, students begin to develop the visual design of clothing for a play using line, color, silhouette, texture, etc. Project work focuses on developing research and rendering skills, as well as budgeting and allocation of costume technology assets. Prerequisites: THE 108  and sophomore standing. Alternate years (alternates with THE 267 ).
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 310 - Acting Studio (1)

    A studio course that explores certain topics in performance, methodology, scene study, and acting approaches for the advanced theatre student. Such areas of study may include: solo performance, approaches to characterization, acting methodologies, mask work, and the creation of monologue, music, and story-telling repertoires. The course will cover one topic each year and may be repeated providing that the topic is different. Prerequisite: THE 115  
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 311 - Directing I (1)

    Theory and practice of directing with emphasis on the realistic genre. Prerequisites: THE 115 , THE 201 , declared major in Theatre, and one-quarter credit in a Theatre participation course (THE 715 , THE 751 , THE 752 , THE 753 , THE 754 ); THE 715  is particularly recommended.
  • THE 312 - Directing II (1)

    Advanced directing with emphasis on rehearsal and production procedures. May be taught as a tutorial. Prerequisite: THE 311 . Offered upon request.
  • THE 321 - Playwriting I (1)

    Techniques of, and practice in, writing scenes or short plays. Prerequisites: THE 115  and writing-designated course (W). May be repeated once for credit with different instructor.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 327 - Advanced Topics: Choreography (1)

    Learn basic dance choreography. This would include patterns, themes, step construction as well as idea and movement generation, creative thinking, and improvisation. This course will include weekly projects designed to improve creative problem solving through composition and generative movement all to enhance personal expression through dance. Prerequisite(s): THE 281  
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 327 - Topics: Projection Design (1)

    Exploration of projection design technology and the creation of media content for use in said systems. This course will use Isadora as the primary playback system, while focusing on Photoshop, Premiere, and After Effects to create and modify content. Experience with these platforms is not required but extremely helpful. Prerequisites: THE 160 , THE 107 , or THE 108 
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 332 - Advanced Acting: (1)

    A more advanced study of the work of the actor building on the techniques learned in Basic Acting and Voice and Movement.  Prerequisite: THE 216 . Alternate years.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 333 - Advanced Acting: (1)

    A more advanced study of the work of the actor building on the techniques learned in Basic Acting and Voice and Movement. Prerequisite: THE 216 . Alternate years.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 344 - History of Music Theatre (1)

    Examination of the evolution of music theatre, from its beginnings in European operetta to its flowering in the Broadway theatre of the mid-twentieth century. Topics include music theatre’s unique fusion of music, lyrics, and libretto, and its elaboration and development in recent decades. Offered every third year.  Prerequisites: Designated (W) Writing course
    (Humanities) (Intercultural Literacy Encounter)
  • THE 346 - Theatre and Society I: The Classical Stage (1)

    Theatre of Ritual, Reverence, Revelry and Revolt. The history of theatre and its literature from points in history selected from the ancient theatre of ritual through the eighteenth century. Approaching both Eastern and Western forms, the course will cover various theatrical traditions, techniques, audiences, artists and aesthetics. Questions regarding the use of live performance to support or subvert cultural concerns will serve as a thread throughout the course. Methodologies include screenings, readings, individual and group presentations. Theatre and Society I and II do not need to be taken in sequential order. Prerequisites: THE 201  and writing-designated course.
    (Humanities) (Intercultural Literacy Encounter)
  • THE 347 - Theatre and Society II: The Modern and Contemporary Stage (1)

    Theatre of Resistance. The history of theatre and its literature from points in history selected from the nineteenth century through present day. Approaching both Modernist and Postmodern theories, the course will cover various theatrical traditions, techniques, audiences, artists and aesthetics. Questions regarding the use of live performance to support or subvert social and political concerns will serve as a thread throughout the course. Methodologies include screenings, readings, individual and group presentations. Theatre and Society I and II do not need to be taken in sequential order. Prerequisites: THE 201  and writing-designated course.
    (Humanities) (Intercultural Literacy Encounter)
  • THE 348 - Theatre and the Arts in New York City (1)

    The study of American art and culture, focusing particularly on theatrical performance, opera, and dance. Typically includes backstage tours, museum and gallery visits, and workshops with local actors, designers, and other theatre artists. Taught in New York City. Registration entails additional costs. Prerequisite: writing-designated course (W). This course is pre-approved for transcript notation in the Ingenuity in Action category, Professional Exploration. To participate and earn notation of completion on your transcript, please complete the Ingenuity in Action application.
  • THE 349 - Theatre and the Arts in Chicago (1)

    The study of American art and culture, focusing particularly on theatrical performance, opera, and dance. Typically includes backstage tours, museum and gallery visits, and workshops with local actors, designers, and other theatre artists. Taught in Chicago. Registration entails additional costs. Prerequisite: Writing-designated course (W) Every third year.
  • THE 350 - Advanced Theatre Production (1)

    Prerequisites: permission of the Department and appropriate coursework and/or production work to fulfill the project. Available only as a tutorial. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the Department. Offered upon request.
  • THE 384 - Ballet Studio II (1)

    Tutorial in advanced ballet technique.  Offered concurrently with THE 284. Prerequisite: THE 284 
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 385 - Contemporary Modern Studio II (1)

    Tutorial in advanced modern dance technique.  Offered concurrently with THE 285. Prerequisite: THE 285  
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 485 - Advanced Study (1)

    Advanced studies in the areas of directing, acting, design, theatre history, speech, or communications media. Prerequisite: permission of the Department. May be repeated for credit. Offered upon request.
  • THE 715 - The Rehearsal Process (1/4)

    Participation within a semester in one major role in a full-length play or the equivalent.
    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 750 - Theatre Production Practicum (1/4)

    Practical exploration of the production process in the areas of scenery and prop construction, costuming, lighting, and sound. Requires three hours per week over the course of terms one through four or five through eight. Hours are scheduled with instructor.
    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 751 - Scenery and Props (1/4)

    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 752 - Costumes and Make-up (1/4)

    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 753 - Lighting and Sound (1/4)

    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 754 - Theatre Administration (1/4)

    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 755 - Dance Performance (1/4)

    Dance Performance is a course open to students with various dance backgrounds and levels who seek to enhance their technical and performance skills beyond the block format.  Class will focus around warm-up, diagonal exercises, and movement compositions.  Techniques to be explored in this course include, contemporary modern, jazz, and classical ballet.  This course is pre-approved for transcript notation in the Ingenuity in Action category, Civic Engagement. To participate and earn notation of completion on your transcript, please complete the Ingenuity in Action application.
    Fine Arts
  • THE 756 - Acting Ensemble (1/4)

    Acting Ensemble is a semester long course designed to provide mentored studio time for actors.  Topics may include monologue preparation, scene work, current professional issues, or other topics as suggested by the ensemble. The course will meet twice per week as determined by the faculty and ensemble. Prerequisite: THE 115  
    Fine Arts

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