Jun 16, 2024  
2017-2018 Academic Catalogue 
2017-2018 Academic Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]

Courses of Instruction


Topics Courses  



  • REL 511 - Hebrew Reading Group (1/4)

    Maintenance and development of Hebrew language skills through reading of the Hebrew Bible. Texts selected in consultation with the students participating. Course meets once a week for a semester. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

Russian Studies

  • RSS 181 - Introduction to Russian Culture through Literature and Film (W) (1)

    Examination of works of literature and film that reveal historical and contemporary trends in Russian culture, with an emphasis on Russia’s relationship to its past and to other cultures. Conducted in English. Same course as RUS 181 . Alternate years.
    (Writing Requirement)
  • RSS 384 - Russia Today (1)

    The current scene in Russia. Registration, when the course is taught in Russia, entails additional costs. Same course as RUS 384 . Offered subject to availability of faculty.
  • RSS 485 - Senior Capstone (1)

    Reading, research, and writing in Russian and in English on a topic developed in consultation with the program advisor. Prerequisites: senior standing and permission of instructor. Same as RUS 485 .
  • RSS 501 - Theatre in Russian (1/4)

    Group reading, discussion, and preparation of one or more Russian plays. Rehearsals and performances in Russian. Prerequisites: knowledge of Russian and permission of instructor. Same course as RUS 501 .
  • RSS 511 - Russian Reading and Conversation Group (1/4)

    Maintenance of Russian language skills through reading and conversation. Same course as RUS 511 .


  • SOC 101 - Sociological Thinking (1)

    Do you wonder why people do the things they do? Why society works as it does? Ever think the world is “unfair”? Sociologists study people in the world, looking at patterns, at differences, at inequalities. Thinking sociologically is like “entering a new and unfamiliar society–one in which things are no longer what they seem.” It creates “culture shock without geographical displacement.” This course requires us to look at society with a new perspective, to question our taken-for-granted assumptions, to investigate people’s actions, and to explore the organization of society. It provides a basis for being engaged citizens, thinking about social alternatives, and imagining possibilities for social justice. Credit may be given for either 101 or SOC 102 , but not for both. Not open to seniors without permission of the instructor.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 246 - Gender Diversity (1)

    This course will focus on diverse gender identities, bodies, and social presentations. Social practices and pressures of gender will be examined in order to gain insight into the larger contemporary social meanings of gender. We will explore how individuals interpret and present their gender identities, the constraints on such interpretations and presentations, and the larger social implications of gender diversity and gender regulation on cultural ideals. This course may count toward the SOC, SAN, or GSS major. Prerequisites: SOC 101 , SOC 102  or GSS 171 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 248 - American Indians: Culture, Activism, and Social Justice (1)

    American Indians: Culture, Activism, and Social Justice Distinctive aspects of Native American tribes and analysis of the ways in which contemporary tribal cultures are influenced by their unique relationship with the federal government. An analysis of treaty rights, the nature of tribal self-determination, and the goals of current tribal activism. Topics covered include tribal efforts to control reservation development, to protect sacred environments, and to preserve tribal cultures. May count toward the SOC, SAN or EST Major. Prerequisite: Writing Requirement (W), ANT 101 , SOC 101 , SOC 102 , EST 123  or permission of instructor. Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 249 - Traditional Culture and Contemporary Issues in Japan (1)

    This off-campus course, taught in Japan, examines the interconnections between Japanese cultural traditions and contemporary issues. Cultural ideologies, social practices, and public policies related to gender, race/ethnicity, and human rights will be emphasized. Specific topics may include: gender roles; work and family life; intimate relationships; interpersonal violence; birthrate and aging concerns; youth culture and the current challenges faced by young adults; national identity; race/ethnicity, immigration and human rights; historical preservation and urban development; and the juxtaposition of traditional and popular culture. Initial sessions will provide an orientation to enduring historical and cultural foundations and values as well as contemporary issues that inform everyday life in Japan. While in Japan, class members will participate in a variety of activities and discussions; will complete field excursions to historical, cultural, educational, and religious settings; and will read materials relevant to these themes. Students will also explore contemporary culture by observing and interacting with Japanese citizens and hearing from guest lecturers. The course typically includes travel to and within the Kyoto-Osaka (Kansai), Kanazawa, Hiroshima, and Tokyo (Kanto) regions of Japan. May count toward the SOC, SAN or EST Major. Prerequisites: SOC 101 , SOC 102 , ANT 101 , PSY 161 , EST 123 , GSS 171 , or JPN 102 . Same course as PSY 256 .
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 255 - Media and the Public Mind (1)

    An examination of the underlying organization of the broadcast, print, and electronic media and their role in shaping perceptions, ideologies, and behavior. May emphasize the news, advertising, media representations, and the political economy of the media. This course may count toward the SOC, SAN, or GSS major. Prerequisite: SOC 101  or SOC 102 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 273 - Families in a Social Context (1)

    This course examines current public debates and social policies related to “The Family” from a sociological perspective, with an emphasis on the complex and diverse family experiences and patterns in the contemporary United States. The course we will explore family meanings, functions, and structures, the ways that the larger social and cultural contexts impact family life, and family-related policy initiatives.  This course may count toward the SOC, SAN, or GSS major. Prerequisite: SOC 101 , SOC 102 , ANT 208 , or GSS 171 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 314 - Community Organizing, Public Policy, and Social Change (1)

    Communities play various roles in perpetuating and challenging contemporary social problems such as racial segregation, poverty, health disparities, educational inequity, gender/sexuality discrimination, and environmental injustices. Using Chicago as a case study, this course examines contemporary debates and social policies affecting cities; investigates the interplay between policy implementation and local efforts to make change; and explores the role of governments, non-profits, and individuals in addressing inequality. Typically travels to Chicago to meet with local organizations working on social change and policy reform related to urban inequality. Registration, when the course is taught off campus, entails additional costs. Prerequisite: SOC 101  or SOC 102 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 315 - Wealth, Power, and Inequality (1)

    Emphasizes the importance of socio-economic class by exploring the meaning and measurement of social class, how social classes are formed, and how they change. Explores issues of social mobility, investigates the relationship between various forms of inequality (i.e., social class, race-ethnicity, gender, sexuality) and contemplates the role of culture and social institutions, (e.g., work, the health care system, schools, families, the political systems, etc.) in perpetuating, legitimizing, and sometimes challenging social inequality. Prerequisite: SOC 101  or SOC 102 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 316 - Culture, Meaning-Making, and Distinction in American Society (1)

    Theoretical and sociological investigation of the concept of “culture.” Explores the connections between culture, structure, and society as a whole; specifically addresses the ways that symbols, language, and other forms of knowledge work to create meanings, constitute power, and form the basis for understanding social life including relationships, politics, sexuality, and work. Considers the creation and reception of culture; the relationship between culture and inequality; issues of domination and resistance, and the connections between culture and social/historical change. Prerequisite: SOC 101  or SOC 102  and one additional sociology course. Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 317 - Reproductive Practices, Reproductive Policies (1)

    This course emphasizes the social construction of female reproductive processes and how culture and institutions shape our understandings and expectations of such processes. Addresses a variety of reproductive practices, experiences and ideologies. Discusses ideas about womanhood, motherhood, fatherhood, sexuality, eugenics, and reproductive freedom; investigates historical role and effect of the state, medical institutions, and women themselves as they struggle over, and shape such issues. The focus will be on the U.S., but we may also look at cases from other countries in order to examine our assumptions about reproductive practices and strategies. This course may count toward the SOC, SAN, or GSS major. Prerequisite: GSS 171 SOC 101 , SOC 102 , or ANT 312 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 320 - Sociology of the Environment (1)

    The course will explore the interactions of human social systems with ecosystems, considering the ways in which people, other animals, plants, land, water, and air are closely interconnected.  It will investigate how human consumption and production, along with technology, population, health, and inequalities are interwoven with environmental conditions.  It will also study how the cultures, ideas, moral values and social experiences of different human groups, from modern Americans to indigenous populations, influence the way people think about and act toward the environment.  Finally, it will contemplate a number of ways in which people might act, both individually and collectively, to bring about a more ecological society.  Prerequisite: SOC 101   OR ANT 101   OR EST 123  OR ENV 101 .  Offered alternate years.
    Social Science
  • SOC 343 - Women: Oppressions and Resistances (1)

    Consideration of gender inequality as lived reality and locus of struggle. Topics include: cross-cultural analysis of sexual/racial violence, including violence in war; women’s resistances in civil rights, indigenous, development and human rights struggles. This course may count toward the SOC, SAN, GSS, or EST major. Prerequisite: SOC 101 , SOC 102 , ANT 101 , ANT 271 , EST 123 , or GSS 171 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 348 - Race and Ethnic Relations (1)

    Various theoretical perspectives on race and ethnic relations, focusing on the United States. Topics include assimilation, ethnic conflict and U.S. immigration policy, the history of the civil rights, treaty rights and migrant farm worker struggles, the social construction of race, and signs of change in contemporary race and ethnic relations. May count toward the SOC, SAN or EST Major. Prerequisite: SOC 101 , SOC 102 , ANT 101 , or EST 123 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 351 - Advanced Topics: Race & Criminology (1)

    (Social Science)
  • SOC 362 - Criminal Justice (1)

    Analysis of the criminal justice system in the U.S., including consideration of the police, the courts, and correctional institutions. Focus on contemporary problems and reform movements. Prerequisite: SOC 101  or SOC 102 . Offered subject to availability of faculty.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 364 - Deviance and Social Control (1)

    Investigates the ways in which deviance and social control operate in daily life. Considers the “social construction of deviance, ” and the ways in which constructions of deviance can lead to inequalities. Also investigates formal institutions of social control such as the criminal justice system/prisons, the mental/medical health field, and the education system. Prerequisite: SOC 101  or SOC 102 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 365 - Sexualities (1)

    Investigates sexuality as a social phenomenon, focusing on the “social construction of sexuality” or the myriad ways that individuals and societies regulate and attach meaning to emotions, desires, interactions, and relations. Examines the social organization of sexuality, social control over sexual behavior, and the historical and cultural diversity of sexual attitudes, behaviors, identities and signifiers. This course may count toward the SOC, SAN, or GSS major. Prerequisite: ANT 101 , SOC 101 , SOC 102 , or GSS 171 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 366 - Gender Differences and Inequalities (1)

    Our ideas about gender organize our social life in important ways that we often do not even notice. These ideas, our gendered interactions, and the gendered dimensions of social institutions are largely invisible to us, and we often take them for granted as the “normal” or natural way life works. Sociology asks us to investigate and expose the aspects of social life we take for granted. In this course, we explore how social interactions, ideologies, and institutions reproduce gender difference and gender inequality, and at times, challenge contemporary gender roles, norms, and stereotypes. This course may count toward the SOC, SAN, or GSS major. Prerequisite: SOC 101 , SOC 102 , ANT 271 , or GSS 171 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 367 - Self and Identity (1)

    Examines the construction, negotiation, and representation of the self and social identities. Explores differing theoretical approaches to understanding identity, considers the tensions and conflicts of identification, and investigates the relations between social identities, groups, cultures, and institutions. Identities, cultures, and social movements developed around sexuality, gender, race/ethnicity, disability and other social statuses are examined.This course may count toward the SOC, SAN, or GSS major. Prerequisite: SOC 101  or SOC 102  and one additional sociology course. Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 368 - Sociology of the Body (1)

    This course examines social, cultural and political perspectives on the body, with a focus on body modifications. We will consider material and symbolic aspects of the body; body modifications as social practices; social regulation of bodies, the negotiation of the self within various social conditions, contexts, and ideologies; and the relationship of bodies to gender, class, race/ethnicity, and nationalism. Special emphasis given to the construction of ‘normal’ bodies (linked to medicine, technology, consumption, and other institutions) as well as the construction of ‘deviant’ or ‘transgressive’ bodies. This course may count toward the SOC, SAN, or GSS major. Prerequisite: SOC 101 , SOC 102 , ANT 312 , or GSS 171 . Alternate years. DAVIS
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 370 - Religion, Spirituality, and Community (1)

    Examines the religious experience; the provision of meaning and belonging; religious commitment and conversion; official versus nonofficial or people’s religion; religion and the creation of social cohesion; religion and its relationship to social inequality; and religious movements and social change. Topics include women’s spirituality in Witchcraft and Spiritualist communities, religious cohesion in Amish communities, the spiritual relationship between humans and the sacred earth in indigenous communities; snake handling and redemption in southern Pentecostal communities, the social and religious dimensions of extraterrestrial contactee communities, and civil rights activism in faith based communities. This course may count towards the SOC, SAN, or REL major Prerequisite: SOC 101 , SOC 102 , ANT 101 , ANT 210 , REL 101  ,REL 222 , or Writing Requirement (W). Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 376 - The African American Civil Rights Movement through Film (1)

    Examination of the modern Civil Rights Movement through text and film. Consideration of the development of the movement through social protest and legal action, goals of the movement from integration to Black Power, and factors involved in emergence of the movement including the development of a Western racial worldview and the emergence of anti-colonial movements worldwide. May count toward the SOC, SAN or EST Major. Prerequisite: SOC 101 , SOC 102 , ANT 101 , or EST 123 . Alternate years.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 483 - Sociological Theory (1)

    Classical theories of social structure and social change, focused on the works of Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Prerequisites: SOC 101  or SOC 102 , and one 300-level Sociology course. No S/U option.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 484 - Research Design and Data Analysis (1)

    Focus on the logic and procedure of sociological research. Explores the epistemological and methodological principles that form the basis of social research, including developing research questions, forming measurable concepts, determining appropriate research strategies, confronting ethical dilemmas, collecting and analyzing data, and revising theories in light of empirical data. Exploration and evaluation of various research methodologies as well as the development of an independent research project. Prerequisites: two courses in Sociology, including SOC 101  or SOC 102 . No S/U option.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 485 - Readings/Research in Sociology (1/2-1)

    Student-designed individual research in selected areas. Prerequisites: two courses in Sociology, including SOC 101  or SOC 102 . (OP) May be repeated for credit; however, no more than one term of 485 may be counted toward the Sociology major or the Sociology and Anthropology major.
  • SOC 487 - SOC/SAN Senior Seminar (1)

    Course explores current theoretical and methodological issues in the field of sociology, and in the interdisciplinary field of sociology and anthropology through the production of student-designed individual research. Through this capstone experience, students will develop advanced research and writing skills through the completion of an independent research project. The project requires the integration of theory and research/practice through a qualitative or quantitative research report, policy white paper, grant application, internship analysis, and/or some other form of advanced sociological and/or anthropological writing. Prerequisites: ANT 483  or SOC 483 , and ANT 484  or SOC 484 . No S/U option.
    (Social Science)
  • SOC 511 - Extended Research in Sociology (1/4)

    Students will pursue an empirical problem through a new qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research project or substantially revise and expand an existing research project. Over the course of four blocks, students will engage in research design and implementation. Course will require 2-3 hours of work per week. Prerequisites: SOC 484  or ANT 484 , and permission of instructor.


  • THE 107 - Stagecraft (1)

    Introduction to methods and materials of building theatrical scenery for production. Students are required to help build scenery for upcoming Theatre Department productions through lab work, utilizing methods learned in classroom component. Stage lighting instruction covers basic electrical theory, functions and properties of light, and hanging and focusing of various theatrical lighting fixtures.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 108 - Costume Construction (1)

    Introduction to costume construction technology, including sewing, pattern reading and draping, through classroom and laboratory work. A brief survey of dress throughout history and introductory costume design project are included. Students are required to help in the construction of costumes for an upcoming Theatre Department production.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 115 - Basic Acting (1)

    Study and practice in the essentials of the art and craft of acting. Emphasis will be given to observation, ensemble work, and character development, and all will be explored through scene and monologue study, class activities and performances, and paper/presentation assignments.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 160 - Fundamentals of Theatre Design (1)

    Exploration of the role and process of design as it relates to theatrical production. Students complete practical exercises in scenic, costume, lighting, and sound design, and learn to critically analyze and respond to design work with the elements of design vocabulary.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 201 - Play Analysis (1)

    Study and practice of play analysis with an emphasis on exploring the potential for live performance embedded in a written text. Students will learn to employ a three-tiered approach to analyzing plays: textual/structural, dramaturgical/contextual, and creative/intuitive. Offered three out of every four years.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 206 - Sound Design (1)

    Explores the role of the theatrical sound designer and sound engineer in the design and production process. Course includes understanding the principles and properties of sound, especially as a design element in the theatre; digital and analog recording; and editing, mixing and playback techniques. Projects focus on the challenges and difference in recording, playback, and the use of sound in theatrical settings and configurations. Recommended prerequisite: at least one Theatre production participation credit (THE 750 , THE 751 , THE 752 , THE 753 , or THE 754 ); THE 753  is particularly recommended.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 216 - Voice and Movement (1)

    Development of vocal and physical vocabularies for the stage. The class will focus on giving specificity and simplicity to the use of voice and body for theatrical expression. Through the use of dramatic texts (both prose and poetry), the incorporation of various techniques, the exploration of the theatrical space, and the study of basic anatomy and physiology, the course seeks to enable the actor to communicate with a greater capacity the energy, life, and limitless possibilities found in story-telling whether spoken through the voice or expressed through movement and gesture. Prerequisite: THE 115 .
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 266 - Drafting for the Theatre (1)

    Instruction in computer-aided drafting for theatre applications. Focuses on scenic and lighting design. Course uses AutoCAD. Alternate years.
  • THE 267 - Stage Make-up (1)

    Design and application of theatrical make-up in a laboratory setting. Practical considerations for performance, aiding character development through careful design, and application of stage makeup some appliqué technique are covered. Alternate years.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 268 - Scene Painting (1)

    Instruction in the craft of painting for the stage in a laboratory setting. Focus on duplicating texture and pattern for large format viewing, faux finish techniques, and study of light and shadow. Alternate years.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 269 - Drawing and Rendering for the Theatre (1)

    Studio study of rendering techniques and drawing skills useful to theatrical artists. The course combines instruction in traditional and hand methods with Adobe Photoshop and other digital platforms. Prerequisite: THE 107  or THE 108 . Alternate years.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 281 - Jazz Studio 1 (1)

    Jazz is a movement based course designed to provide intermediate level students with continuing skill and technical developmental training in jazz dance. Class will focus on warm-up, diagonal exercises, and center combinations to improve alignment and increase technical efficiency in jazz.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 283 - Musical Theater Dance (1)

    Musical Theater is defined as a form of theatrical performance that combines song, acting, and dance.  This course is designed for students interested in increased technical growth, in addition to enhancing qualities of performance through the practical study of musical theater dance.  Technical components of this course will include warm-up, diagonal exercises, and center combinations.  Students will gain a greater understanding of this genre through readings, discussions, video viewing, and written analysis.
    Fine Arts
  • THE 303 - Scenic Design (1)

    Exploration of the role of the scenic designer in the design and production process. Emphasis on creating an environment for the play based on analysis of the script and utilizing elements of design - line, form, balance, composition, color, etc. Through project work, students explore the uses, problems and practical considerations of proscenium, thrust, and arena configurations. Building upon the principles learned in THE 107  and THE 266 , students are expected to have an understanding of basic construction techniques and drafting. Prerequisites: THE 107 . Alternate years (alternates with THE 304 ).
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 304 - Lighting Design (1)

    Exploration of the role of the lighting designer in the design and production process. Emphasis on employing a lighting inventory to develop mood, achieve focus, and provide visibility for theatrical productions, based on analysis of the script and the visual approach to the play. Project work focuses on the challenges and differences in designing lighting for the proscenium, thrust, and arena stages. Building upon the principles learned in THE 107  and THE 266 , students are expected to have an understanding of basic lighting equipment and drafting. Prerequisites: THE 107   or THE 160 . Alternate years (alternates with THE 303 ).
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 305 - Costume Design (1)

    Exploration of the role of the costume designer in the design and production process. Building upon skills learned in THE 108  and through script and character analysis, students begin to develop the visual design of clothing for a play using line, color, silhouette, texture, etc. Project work focuses on developing research and rendering skills, as well as budgeting and allocation of costume technology assets. Prerequisites: THE 108  and sophomore standing. Alternate years (alternates with THE 267 ).
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 310 - Acting Studio (1)

    A studio course that explores certain topics in performance, methodology, scene study, and acting approaches for the advanced theatre student. Such areas of study may include: solo performance, approaches to characterization, acting methodologies, mask work, and the creation of monologue, music, and story-telling repertoires. The course will cover one topic each year and may be repeated providing that the topic is different. Prerequisite: THE 216 .
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 311 - Directing I (1)

    Theory and practice of directing with emphasis on the realistic genre. Prerequisites: THE 115 , THE 201 , declared major in Theatre, and one-quarter credit in a Theatre participation course (THE 715 , THE 751 , THE 752 , THE 753 , THE 754 ); THE 715  is particularly recommended.
  • THE 312 - Directing II (1)

    Advanced directing with emphasis on rehearsal and production procedures. May be taught as a tutorial. Prerequisite: THE 311 . Offered upon request.
  • THE 320 - Advanced Topics: Dance History (1)

    This course explores Western dance history, from the 18th to the 21st centuries focusing on evolutions in dance training and technique, theory, composition, and performance practices. These concepts will also be investigated in a context of broader social, political and cultural trends such as European Imperial Courts, Cultural and Industrial Revolutions in Europe and the US, World Wars, Modernism, modernization and postmodernism.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 321 - Playwriting I (1)

    Techniques of, and practice in, writing scenes or short plays. Prerequisites: THE 115  and writing-designated course (W). May be repeated once for credit with different instructor.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 332 - Advanced Acting: Stanislavski (1)

    A more advanced study of the work of the actor building on the techniques learned in Basic Acting and Voice and Movement. This class will explore the teachings of Stanislavski while focusing on scene work and scene study through the use of “heightened language” texts and classic playwrights (Euripides, Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Ibsen). Students will be required to present three (3) scenes (chosen by the instructor). All class work and exercises will focus on closely examining the text, embracing the given circumstances, playing an action, building ensemble, and responding to the partner through a detailed exploration of Stanislavski and An Actor Prepares. Prerequisite: THE 216 . Alternate years.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 333 - Advanced Acting: Meisner (1)

    This course will introduce students to the work of Sanford Meisner and his influence on and method of training for the actor. The work will focus on the concept of the reality of doing through the exercises of Repetitions, Point of View, Independent Activities, and Improvisations which will then be applied to contemporary scene work. Designed as an opportunity to explore more fully the act of listening and responding to a stimulus (both external and internal stimuli) between actors, the work seeks to embrace the concept that acting is living truthfully under given/imaginary circumstances. Prerequisite: THE 216 . Alternate years.
    (Fine Arts)
  • THE 346 - Theatre of Ritual, Reverence, Revelry and Revolt (1)

    The history of theatre and its literature from points in history selected from the ancient theatre of ritual through the eighteenth century. Approaching both Eastern and Western forms, the course will cover various theatrical traditions, techniques, audiences, artists and aesthetics. Questions regarding the use of live performance to support or subvert cultural concerns will serve as a thread throughout the course.  Methodologies include screenings, readings, individual and group presentations.  THE 346/347 do not need to be taken in sequential order.  Prerequisites: THE 201  and writing-designated course.
  • THE 347 - Theatre of Resistance (1)

    The history of theatre and its literature from points in history selected from the nineteenth century through present day.  Approaching both Modernist and Postmodern theories, the course will cover various theatrical traditions, techniques, audiences, artists and aesthetics. Questions regarding the use of live performance to support or subvert social and political concerns will serve as a thread throughout the course. Methodologies include screenings, readings, individual and group presentations. THE346/347 do not need to be taken in sequential order. Prerequisites: THE 201  and writing-designated course.
  • THE 348 - Theatre and the Arts in New York City (1)

    The study of American art and culture, focusing particularly on theatrical performance, opera, and dance. Typically includes backstage tours, museum and gallery visits, and workshops with local actors, designers, and other theatre artists. Taught in New York City. Registration entails additional costs. Prerequisite: writing-designated course (W). Alternate years.
  • THE 350 - Advanced Theatre Production (1)

    Prerequisites: permission of the Department and appropriate coursework and/or production work to fulfill the project. Available only as a tutorial. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the Department. Offered upon request.
  • THE 374-2 - Advanced Topic: Theatre and the Arts (Chicago) (1)

    The study of American art and culture, focusing particularly on theatrical performance, opera, and dance. Typically includes backstage tours, museum and gallery visits, and workshops with local actors, designers, and other theatre artists. Taught in Chicago at the McLennan Center. Registration entails additional costs. Prerequisite: writing-designated course (W) Alternate years.
  • THE 485 - Advanced Study (1)

    Advanced studies in the areas of directing, acting, design, theatre history, speech, or communications media. Prerequisite: permission of the Department. May be repeated for credit. Offered upon request.
  • THE 715 - The Rehearsal Process (1/4)

    Participation within a semester in one major role in a full-length play or the equivalent.
    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 750 - General Production Practicum (1/4)

    Practical exploration of the production process in the areas of scenery and prop construction, costuming, lighting, and sound. Requires three hours per week over the course of terms one through four or five through eight. Hours are scheduled with instructor.
    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 751 - Scenery and Props (1/4)

    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 752 - Costumes and Make-up (1/4)

    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 753 - Lighting and Sound (1/4)

    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 754 - Theatre Administration (1/4)

    (Fine Arts) (CR)
  • THE 755 - Dance Performance (1/4)

    Dance Performance is a course open to students with various dance backgrounds and levels who seek to enhance their technical and performance skills beyond the block format.  Class will focus around warm-up, diagonal exercises, and movement compositions.  Techniques to be explored in this course include, contemporary modern, jazz, and classical ballet. 
    Fine Arts
  • THE 756 - Acting Ensemble (1/4)

    Acting Ensemble is a semester long course designed to provide mentored studio time for actors.  Topics may include monologue preparation, scene work, current professional issues, or other topics as suggested by the ensemble. The course will meet twice per week as determined by the faculty and ensemble. Prerequisite: THE 115  
    Fine Arts

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